Homemade Valentines…WHY?!

What is wrong with me?  I know they sell Valentines for about a penny each.  They are cute, they have adorable sayings on them and all you have to do is sign your name.

So WHY ON EARTH did I insist on making the boys’ Valentines for 30 kids that will be attending our MOPS Valentine’s Day party tomorrow??  I have no clue.

I got the idea for  (Blonde Designs has some adorable templates and printable labels for the sticks) and they seemed easy enough and really they are easy, but I just didn’t have the extra time to spend on them tonight.  Good thing they are hilarious and adorable.

How do you feel about homemade Valentine’s?

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About Krista

Krista is a full-time working mom of two boys, currently aged 6 and 5. She lives in Kentucky with her husband, Brandon.

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