Review: Strider Bikes

If you’re looking for a Christmas present for your young child that will teach them something, keep them active, and provide hours of fun, look no further than Strider Bikes!

I was given the opportunity to review a Strider 12 Sport Bike with my 4 (almost 5) year old son, Spencer. He likes to ride his bike with training wheels, but he still gets nervous on it and he is definitely not ready to try it without training wheels. I jumped at the chance to review a Strider Bike with him because he is so independent and I know that he just needs a little confidence before he is ready to ride sans extra wheels!

Our Strider 12 Sport came in a medium size box. There is a little assembly required, but I was surprised at how quickly it went together!

Strider1 Strider2

In less than 10 minutes, he was ready to roll!


It took him just a few minutes to get the hang of the Strider Bike. There are no pedals on a Strider bike – it’s intended to teach kids to balance so that they can more easily transition to a traditional bike without the use of training wheels. As Strider says in their materials:  “The STRIDER Balance Bike will have your child enjoying the freedom of riding on two wheels earlier than you ever thought possible and make family outings more and active.” As a mom with a 6 year old who has no interest in riding on two wheels because he is fearful of falling, this is a big deal for us! I would love for both of my kids to be able to ride their bikes on their own!

There are three basic models:  the Classic, Sport, and Pro! They also have Special Needs Bikes for kids who need additional support! The bikes come in a few different sizes; we’re using the one for ages 18 months to 5 years, and there are bikes for ages 6-12 and 13+!

Here’s a little video of how Strider Bikes work and why parents everywhere love them!

As for our family, we love our Strider Balance Bike because it’s teaching our already-independent son to work hard at what he wants (riding on two wheels) and problem solve how to get from point A to point B! He has already moved from sit-walking to sit-running! We aren’t quite ready to coast down a small hill yet, but when it warms up, we will work on it more!

Strider Bikes are an excellent Christmas or birthday gift for any child who needs to learn to ride a bike with confidence! It’s easy to purchase online or in stores (use the Store Locator on the Strider Bikes website to find them in store near you)! Prices vary depending on the options and size. The retail price for ours is $119, certainly a great price when you consider how effectively this product works!

Put a Strider Bike on your child’s Christmas list today and watch them learn to ride!

I was sent a complimentary Strider Bike to facilitate my review. I was not paid for this post nor was I required to write a positive review.

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About Krista

Krista is a full-time working mom of two boys, currently aged 6 and 7. She lives in Kentucky with her husband, Brandon.